9Thirty is committed to educating New York City’s at-risk youth, as well as disabled students, about environmental issues, while providing them with an opportunity to artistically self-express the impact of their newfound experiences with nature.
Our educational programming raises the curtain on sustainability by providing students with the necessary scientific information to become “mini-experts” about our planet. We are preparing students for a future open to behavioral changes they and their families can make to decrease our impact on the Earth.
Not only do we decode green terminology and help students discover greener choices, but also allow them the opportunity to artistically express how they feel about our planet’s environmental crisis. Students create visual art using found, eco-friendly and sustainable materials, as well creative songs, dances, scenes and poems. 9Thirty gives underrepresented children a voice by allowing them to speak through their art.

What I Can Do (WICD)
WICD is about cultivating the next generation of global citizens through a combination of eco-children’s theater and experiential learning workshops.
Founded on the principles of The Earth Charter, WICD promotes values like interdependence, community participation and conscientious consumption. We partner with private, not-for-profit & charter schools across the Five Boroughs as well as other community educational organizations that serve grades K-12 to integrate sustainable living practices into the established curriculum. Lesson plans are created and executed collaboratively by WICD teaching artists and certified teachers from the partner institution in both arts and non-arts disciplines.
If you are interested or woudl like more information about 9Thirty's educational programs, please contact our Director of Education & Outreach Nicolas Townsend.